Internationale konferencer om SFL
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International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association
International Systemic Functional Congress, ISFC
ISFLA is the international organising body for Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), a school of linguistics started by Michael Halliday, initially in Great Britain, and later in Australia. The theory is now practised world-wide, particularly in Language Education. For more information on SFL, see: here.
Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Association, ASFLA
The Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (ASFLA) was established in 1995 to bring together SFL scholars around Australia into a formally recognised organisation that helps to promote and support scholarship in SFL.
European Systemic Functional Linguistics Association
ESFLA is the European Systemic Functional Linguistics Association. Its main function is the organisation of the annual meeting of the association, called the European SFL Congress and Workshop (ESFLC&W).